Our class this past week was just about one of the most fun ones that we've had yet, and it was led by yours truely amongst othet students! The focus of this class was for our groups to have a chance to facilitate a long activity that lasted approximately 35-45 mintues of the class. My group was the first to go, with the topic of food for thought. We supplied the class with a variety of fruits and veggies and gave them free range to create something that represented them/their group in a certain topic area. The specific population that we focused on was people who are severely depressed and so the topics which we assigned the groups to focus on included things that scare your or give you anxiety, what do you hope for the future, how do you feel today, what is something about yourself that you would like to change, what is something that you regret, and what makes you happy. The class got very creative with this task and had some really wonderful sculptures. I wish we could have had a little more time to really allow everyone ample time to come up with an idea and carry it out to completion. I have included some examples (not from our class) of how others have gotten creative with food!
The next activity that we got to partake in was called telephone charades, which was "gear towards" people who have hearing impairments, but by no means is limited to that population. What happened is one person from a team picked a prewritten scenario and had to act it our for only ONE other member of the team, while the rest of the team waits somewhere where they can not see what is going on. The person who witnesses the acted out scenario then acts in out for the next person on their team, even though they may not know exactly what it is they they are acting out. We have some classmates who could be potential actors/actresses I think! Some of the scenarios we had to act out were changing a flat tire, suddenly giving birth in a supermarket, getting into a hockey fight, setting up a campsite and catching your pants on fire, sneaking out of your parents house to meet a lover and many more. It was apparent that everyone in the class really enjoyed this activity and I think we all had had an ab workout as well from all of the laughing we did! I definitely think this would be a great game to play for people, with or without hearing impairments. We discussed how the people who do have the impairment would probably feel like an "expert" in acting out because they may have to use gestures in their everyday conversations as a conversational tool.
Lastly, our class was re-introduced to hooping....or at least I was. I haven't hoola-hooped in years! Although I don't remember ever being able to do it for as long as I did in class.....which I wish wasn't the case because when I was little I remember being in a hoola-hooping competition at a family reunion where the prize was $50 ....needless to say I didn't win :).... ANYWYAS! We didn't just hoola-hoop, but we made our own hoops! It was a very simple process. The only materials we needed were irrigation tubing, colored making tape, a blow dryer and a connecter which connected the two ends of the tubing into a hoop. Although we had a blast making the hoops, we had even more fun using them. We even had to go outside (keep in mind it was about 35 degrees) becuase we were getting so warm from all the hooping (a new verb I've never used before) we were doing. One of the really interesting facts that I learned about hooping is that when you hoop in one direction and then stop and go in the opposite direction, it is just about the closest both your left and right brain get to functioning at the same time. I think the physical and mental/emotion/social benefits of hooping were all pretty evident in our experience. Everyone was laughing and socializing throughout the activity; sharing strategies and laughing at how goofy we all looked. Not to mention I think we all got a good workout!
That's all I've got for today! Another round of "long activities" next week, which I'm very much looking forward to after this week.....not to mention I get to go home right after class for Thanksgiving break!
Until next time!